Berlin's Buzzing Biodiversity: Strategies for a Greener City
    BerlinStrategiesTempelhofriver banks

    Berlin's Buzzing Biodiversity: Strategies for a Greener City

    Berlin faces significant biodiversity loss with 31% of native species endangered and 13% extinct due to human activity. To promote biodiversity and a green metropole, strategies are being implemented.

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    13/04/2023Of Elena Fraccaro
    13/04/2023Of Elena Fraccaro

    What is the extent of biodiversity loss in Berlin?

    Biodiversity loss is a global problem that has significant impacts on both the environment and human well-being. In Berlin, Germany, 31% of native plant and animal species are endangered, and 13% have disappeared or are considered extinct due to human activity, including habitat destruction. This loss of biodiversity poses a threat to the livelihoods of people and their well-being. To combat this issue, the city is implementing strategies to promote biodiversity and make Berlin a green and livable metropole.

    Urban Strategies to promote Biodiversity in Berlin

    The city of Berlin has implemented several approaches to promote biodiversity, including dedicated policies such as the Biodiversity Strategy 2012, which includes a strategy for the protection and promotion of wild bees and other pollinators. The city also integrates policies, including a landscape and species protection program, an integrated urban development concept, and a climate change adaptation plan. Additionally, the city monitors its biodiversity and provides environmental education and participation, while also cooperating with businesses to promote biodiversity.

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    Tempelhofer Feld Initiative

    One example of Berlin's commitment to biodiversity is the Tempelhofer Feld, a former airport area of approximately 300 hectares that combines biodiversity protection and recreation. The area is divided into an inner meadow ring and an outer meadow ring, which provide habitat for a variety of bird, insect, and amphibian species, including wild bees, lizards, and skylarks. The city has also implemented a development and maintenance plan for the area, which includes ongoing cooperation with citizens.

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    How river banks and small water bodies create biodiversity

    Revitalizing river banks and small bodies of water brings benefits for biodiversity by creating new habitats, improves climate regulation by reducing hard shoreline edges and recreating different habitats, contributes to rainwater management, and provides opportunities for nature experiences. The city has implemented a reed protection program since 1986, protecting old reed beds and creating new ones to reduce hard shoreline edges and create different habitats. Additionally, the city has revitalized 30 ponds, pools, and ditches to provide habitat for a variety of species and to promote biodiversity.

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    Bees for Berlin

    Berlin has launched the "More Bees for Berlin - Berlin is Blooming" campaign in collaboration with the German Wildlife Foundation and the Berlin Senate. The campaign aims to create 50 sites in 12 districts, which will provide nesting habitats and species-rich flower meadows for pollinating insects such as wild bees. The city also promotes wild shrubs and provides advice, seeds, and wild bee information boards for interested public and nonprofit institutions. All together is Berlin a hotspot of biodiversity with over 20,000 plant and animal species, including more than 300 of over 550 wild bee species. While the city has implemented several initiatives to promote biodiversity, further efforts are needed to preserve and protect the city's unique biodiversity. By working together, citizens, businesses, and governments can ensure that Berlin remains a green and livable metropole for generations to come.

    Flowers and bug hotel

    Why is biodiversity so important for our planet?

    Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth, including the diversity of ecosystems, species and their genetic diversity. Its importance is undeniable as it plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and providing essential services such as producing oxygen, controlling soil erosion, purifying water and pollinating plants. However, biodiversity is under threat due to human activities such as deforestation, pollution, urbanisation and climate change. It is therefore essential to protect and enhance it to ensure a sustainable future for our planet and future generations.

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    How does 3Bee preserve and regenerate Biodiversity?

    The ever-increasing urbanization has led to a significant loss of biodiversity. Corporations and brands need to monitor and mitigate their impact on urban biodiversity and create biodiversity oases. 3Bee's technology is revolutionizing the way we measure and understand biodiversity. By using advanced sensors and machine learning algorithms, 3Bee is able to gather and analyze vast amounts of data on species populations, habitats, and ecosystems. This data is then used to create the world's first comprehensive index of biodiversity, providing an accurate overview of the health and diversity of our planet's ecosystems. With this index, companies, policymakers, and the masses can make more informed decisions about how to protect and preserve the Earth's biodiversity for future generations.

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    13/04/2023Of Elena Fraccaro
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