World Bee Day: Let's Regenerate with 3Bee

    World Bee Day: Let's Regenerate with 3Bee

    May 20th marks World Bee Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of bees and other pollinators for our ecosystem. Bees play a crucial role in the pollination of many crops, contributing to the production of a third of the food we eat.

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    31/05/2023Of Elena Fraccaro
    31/05/2023Of Elena Fraccaro

    Bees, Biodiversity, and Technology: A Sustainable Future

    On May 20th, World Bee Day is celebrated, an occasion to raise awareness about the importance of these insects for the ecosystem. Bees play a fundamental role in the reproduction of many plant species, thanks to their pollination work. Without them, the biodiversity of our planet would be seriously compromised, and food production would also suffer a significant decline. However, in recent years, pollinators have been experiencing a strong decrease in their populations, due to factors such as the use of pesticides, the reduction of natural habitats, and climate change. For this reason, attention to the protection of bees and the safeguarding of biodiversity has become increasingly important. In this article, we will talk about the projects of 3Bee, a company committed to protecting bees and regenerating biodiversity, through the use of technology and the planting of nectariferous forests.

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    31/05/2023Of Elena Fraccaro
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