What is Biodiversity?

    What is Biodiversity?

    Biodiversity embodies the extraordinary variety of life on Earth. Dive into this article to explore its fascinating aspects with concrete examples and find out why it is so important start protecting it.

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    20/11/2023Of Elena Fraccaro
    20/11/2023Of Elena Fraccaro

    Biodiversity: Definition and History

    Biodiversity represents the extraordinary variety of life on Earth, the vital fabric of our planet. It encompasses all forms of life, from the smallest organisms to majestic trees, from industrious insects to fascinating predators, and from microscopic cells to the complex ecosystems in which they develop. This remarkable mosaic is what makes our planet unique, wonderful, and suited for our own existence. Historically, interest in biodiversity has roots that go back centuries. Humanity has always been captivated by the extraordinary variety of plants, animals, and microorganisms that animate the Earth. Naturalists, explorers, and scientists from every corner of the globe have dedicated their lives to exploring, discovering, and cataloging an ever-increasing number of species, thus opening the doors to understanding the importance of biological richness.

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    Genetic Diversity: The Example of Wolves

    Biodiversity is considered at three different levels. Let's start with genetic diversity, which involves the variety of genes within each species. It's as if each member of a species has a different set of instructions on how to adapt to their environment. Take wolves as an example: there are many types around the world, each uniquely adapted to its environment. Wolves in Alaska have developed thick, sturdy coats to withstand the cold. Conversely, wolves in Mexico, living in a warmer climate, have lighter fur and are generally smaller. This diversity of adaptations is possible thanks to genetic diversity. Moreover, having a wide variety of genes within the species can help wolves survive challenges like diseases. If a disease particularly affects wolves with a certain set of genes, there will be other wolves with different gene sets that might be more resistant to that disease.

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    Species Diversity: The Example of Mimicry

    Then there's the diversity of species, which pertains to the number and variety of different species inhabiting our planet. Each species has its unique characteristics and specific role in the ecosystem. For instance, bees are important pollinators, while predators like tigers maintain the balance of other species' populations. Greater species diversity ensures that ecosystems are stable and functional. A fascinating example of species diversity is the phenomenon of mimicry, where some species develop characteristics that make them resemble other species for advantages. For example, the monarch butterfly and the viceroy butterfly look alike, and this similarity protects both from predators. The monarch butterfly is poisonous, and predators learn to avoid it due to its unpleasant taste. The viceroy butterfly is actually harmless, but predators often mistake it for the monarch and leave it alone.

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    Species Diversity: Coevolution

    Coevolution represents another interesting form of species diversity. This phenomenon occurs when two or more species mutually influence each other through evolution. A notable example is that of the orchids of the genus Ophrys and their specific pollinators. Some of these orchids have developed particular shapes and scents that mimic the females of certain insects, deceiving the males into attempting to mate with the flowers. The pollinators, in turn, have adapted to recognize these characteristics and interact with the orchids in a relationship of mutual deception and benefit.

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    Ecosystem Diversity: Examples of Forests and Oceans

    Lastly, there is the diversity of ecosystems, which involves the variety of habitats and landscapes found worldwide. Ecosystems include forests, oceans, prairies, and many other habitat forms. Each ecosystem has its unique characteristics and plays vital roles in life on Earth. For instance, forests, covering about 30% of the Earth's surface, play a fundamental role in absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, significantly contributing to climate regulation. Likewise, the oceans, covering more than 70% of the Earth's surface, regulate the global climate by absorbing a significant portion of human-produced carbon dioxide and supporting a vast range of marine life.

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    Ecological Functions and Ecosystem Services

    Biodiversity plays an indispensable role in maintaining fundamental ecological functions. Consider the process of photosynthesis performed by plants, providing the essential oxygen for breathing, or the pollinating insects, which facilitate food production. Not to forget the soil microbes that play a significant role in decomposing organic waste and recycling nutrients. Ecosystems rich in biodiversity offer a variety of fundamental services, including climate regulation, water purification, soil preservation, and erosion prevention. Forests, for instance, contribute to mitigating climate change through their role in carbon dioxide absorption. River systems and wetlands are vital for water purification, while coral reefs provide a crucial habitat for numerous marine species.

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    Economic Resources and Medical Discovery

    Biodiversity represents an endless source of economic resource in a lot of fields. Food, timber, fibers, fuels, and raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry form the basis of our economy. Additionally, activities such as ecotourism provide significant income sources for local communities. Furthermore, many drugs used today originate from natural organisms. A famous example is aspirin, initially derived from willow bark, and Taxol, a potent anti-cancer drug that comes from the Pacific Yew tree.

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    Ecosystem Resilience and Intrinsic Value

    Ecosystems with higher biodiversity tend to be more resilient to environmental changes, providing a protective barrier against natural disasters. A rainforest with a vast variety of species is more likely to survive extreme events such as fires or storms, as the diversity of plants allows for better regeneration and greater soil stability. Beyond tangible benefits, biodiversity offers a deep connection with nature and evokes a sense of wonder. Whether it's the beauty of a blooming flower, the song of a bird, or observing a wild animal, it stimulates us and provides a meaningful connection to the natural world. Each species is unique and irreplaceable, representing millions of years of evolution. The loss of just one species results in an irreversible loss.

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    3Bee: Technology for Biodiversity

    3Bee is a leading climate-tech company in the protection of biodiversity through technology, with a fundamental mission: to protect pollinators, the true heroes and guardians of ecosystems and biological diversity, and to restore their habitats. 3Bee's approach to biodiversity conservation is revolutionary. By using unique and innovative technologies, 3Bee is able to 'listen' to pollinators and intervene when necessary. The sensors and algorithms developed allow for the collection of quantifiable data on the health of domestic and wild bees, and the habitats that host them, making it accessible to everyone. This transparency not only improves understanding and awareness of the state of pollinators but also fosters the development of targeted solutions and the implementation of effective conservation actions that everyone can contribute to. Want to learn more?

    20/11/2023Of Elena Fraccaro
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